Saf ety Prec aut ions 6 Internal laser ra diation IM POR TAN T - For Yo ur Safe ty To ensure s afe operation, the supp lied three-pin plug must be inserted only into a standard three-pin po wer outlet that is properly grounded through the normal hous ehold wiring. As an E NE R GY S TAR ® Partner, Brot her Industries, Ltd. Safet y Precauti on s 5 EC Declaration of Co nformity Intern ational E NERGY S TAR ® Com pliance Statemen t The purpose of the I nt ernational E NERGY S TAR ® Program is t o prom ote the d evelopment and popula rization of energy-efficient office equipment. O per at i on is sub ject to the followin g two condition s: (1) This device may not caus e harm ful interference, an d (2) this dev ice must ac cep Saf e ty Pr ec au t io ns 4 Reg ula t ion s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) De cla ratio n of Con formi ty (For U SA) dec lares, that the products co mp l y wi th Pa rt 15 of t he FC C Rul es. Refer to the User's Guide for how t o clean the machine. Doing this may cause a fi re or electrical shock. Safet y Precauti on s 3 DO NOT use flam mable substanc es or any type of s pray to clean the inside or o utside of t he machine. Before you clean t he inside of the printer, make sure that you have t urned off the powe r switch an d un plugged t he printer fr om the AC po wer ou tl et. Saf e ty Pr ec au t io ns 2 To U se the P rinter Safe ly Warni ng There are hi gh voltage electrodes insid e the printer.

Tabl e of Con t ents 1 Safety Precau tions To Use the Print er Safe ly. Hot Surf ace icons warn you not to t ouch mach ine part s that ar e hot.

Elec tric al Haz ard icons al ert you to a poss ib le elect rica l shock. Please read this ‘Qu ick Setup Guide ’ for proper se t up and iġ Sym b o l s u s ed in this gu ide War n i n g Elec tric al Haz ard Hot Sur face Cauti on Warnings te ll you what to d o to p rev ent po ssi bl e personal inj ury.
#Brother hl 2140 printer driver install#
Setting Up the M achine Installing the Printer Driver Laser Pri nter HL-2140 Before you can use the printer, you must set up the hardw are and install the driver. STEP 1 STEP 2 Setup is Complete! Quick Setup Guide Ho w to use th e print er, see th e User ’s Guid e on the CD-RO M.